Campaign Management


Through the information learnt from our marketing workshop, we will segment your clients and create campaigns for action. 

We will handle all the work needed to get your campaigns from concept through to implementation. 

Delivering you cost effective ways to market to your current client base as well as creating new leads to continue to fill your pipeline for continual work. 

We send you monthly reporting on those campaigns so you can see how things are tracking. We also communicate with your internal teams on what is being executed, explaining how it will help them, develop stronger relationships with your current clients and build relationships with prospects.

Through the information learnt from our marketing workshop, we will segment your clients and create campaigns for action. 

We will handle all the work needed to get your campaigns from concept through to implementation. 

Delivering you cost effective ways to market to your current client base as well as creating new leads to continue to fill your pipeline for continual work. 

Reporting on those campaigns during our weekly catch ups.
Internal buy-in. We also would be communicating to your team on what is being executed and explain how it will help them, grow stronger relationships with your current clients and build relationships with prospects.

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