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It is the experience that counts
19 October 2020

This week I was in Wellington visiting a client and meeting some prospects. I was instructed by my 10-year-old son to make sure I brought the Fix & Fogg chocolate peanut butter from the store within his Uncles’ building complex.

When I told my son that it is the same as what we buy from the supermarket. He replied “No, Mama, it doesn’t taste the same, you have to get it from Uncle Jem’s building”.

Then it dawned on me. His experience with his uncle and how he loved buying homemade peanut butter, and how he felt in that moment, made the peanut butter all that more delightful.

I know there is a leap from peanut butter to professional services marketing, but it is how we, as professionals, make our clients feel that make them trust us, refer us, and continue our relationship with them.

Now more than ever, we must ensure that we give our clients that peanut butter experience. We must help them in their hour of need. Give them just a bit more compassion and value add than before. In return they will thank us, and they will thank us by referring us more than ever than before because we took that extra step to give them extra support.

This added value is not just to the businesses needing our advice STAT, but also the clients that are just below the radar thinking they are OK for the time being and are soldering on.

We continue to thank you for your ongoing support to our SME community. We appreciate that you are head down and bum up with dealing with them in their hour of need, however we are here to support you, support our SME’s, by taking away [some of] that ‘noise’ and ‘busyness, so you can fully focus on advising clients on their immediate needs of cash flow and future planning.

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