The importance of marketing for your business is that it makes the clients aware of your services, engages them, and helps them make the procurement decision. A marketing plan is part of your business plan, not separate, and helps in creating and maintaining demand, relevance, reputation, competition and relationships.
Never waste a good crisis, be it a global financial crisis or the COVID pandemic or that things are tight in your business. Even though the situation may represent one of the greatest social and economic challenges you and your business have faced, you can gain something good from every situation and should try and look optimistically into the future.
The situation may force you to rethink projects, activities, staffing levels and marketing – what is indispensable and what is not. Everything gets questioned. Many businesses reduce operating costs and the marketing budget is often one of the first costs to be sacrificed.
Challenging times demand courage and foresight. This is the time to think innovatively and make good decisions for the future. Under difficult conditions it is all the more important to focus on your brand and marketing measures – you may not realise it but this can be a great opportunity for you. You can strengthen your position in the market so you’re ready for the more prosperous times ahead.
When times are tough it is easy to think cutting marketing and your branding is a good way to save money. Many of your competitors will think the same. But have you thought about the message this sending to you clients? They’re not hearing from you any more, they’re not seeing all the good things you are still achieving. For them, and for potential clients, it may be ‘out of sight, out of mind’ – and this could be the difference between your business surviving or not.
When you keep marketing, you show you are backing yourself and your future. If you’ve always taken a stand on social issues and community matters then continue to do so. Let your clients know that you are confident, still a force in the market, and send the message that you’ve got the drive and strength to achieve the best for them and yourselves.
Potential clients will still be out there, looking to see what services are available. If you’re not promoting your services then how can they hear about you and utilise what you have to offer. They may not know you exist unless you tell them. You need to stay visible and competitive.
Use your online marketing more not less, add great content. Keep up to date. Offer information that your clients need to know. Provide information that offers real value to people and address concerns you know they may have.
Nurture what you’ve already built up, don’t abandon it. By continuing your market strategy through tough times, you will put your business at the front of clients’ minds.
Your Virtual Marketer for the professional services industry